Continuing a proud tradition of providing world-class innovative care to patients from California and beyond
courtesy of
Nancy Chee
Dr. Harry J. Buncke
Pioneering microsurgery
The Buncke Clinic is a world renowned center for the the most advanced medical treatments using microsurgery. We are closely affiliated with California Pacific Medical Center, Davies Campus, in San Francisco, California. We were founded over 40 years ago by Harry J. Buncke, who is considered the father of microsurgery. We continue in Dr. Buncke's tradition by advancing techniques in microsurgery to treat hundreds of patients each year, including those with cancer, traumatic, and birth defects.
Since 1970, The Buncke Clinic has been at the forefront of the advancement of reconstructive surgery. We are a group of six plastic and reconstructive surgeons with fellowship training in hand, microvascular, and upper extremity surgery. We treat the breadth of hand and upper extremity problems ranging from common conditions to complex mutilating injuries requiring replantation and microvascular reconstruction. We are a leading center for microsurgery and reconstructive surgery. Not only do we care for patients from our local San Francisco Bay Area community, but we also maintain our tradition as a tertiary referral center for complex reconstructive problems from across the state of California and beyond. Given the breadth and complexity of our practice, we have an internationally sought after fellowship in which we train two fellows each year. Additionally, we maintain a teaching affiliation with both Stanford and UCSF, where we help to train their senior plastic surgery residents.
In 1957, Dr. Harry J. Buncke was inspired by Mr. Thomas Gibson to develop techniques for transplanting blocks of tissue on small vessels of 1 mm. Seven years later in March of 1964, he reported the first successful rabbit ear replantation to the Plastic Surgical Research Council meeting.
Special micro instruments, sutures and hand-made needles were created to perform these procedures. Dr. Buncke helped to develop microsurgical laboratories at the University of California-San Francisco, Stanford University, Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, Davies Medical Center and the Hospital Jeanne d'Arc in Nancy, France.
In 1969, at Oak Knoll Naval Hospital, Doctor Donald McLean and Dr. Buncke performed the first successful microvascular transplant using the omentum to fill a large skull defect. He also helped do the first microvascular transplants at Davies Medical Center, San Francisco General Hospital, University of California-San Francisco, University of California-Irvine, Stanford University, Johns Hopkins University, N.Y.U., Puerto Alegre, Brazil, and the Royal Medical Center in Amman, Jordan.
The Davies Medical Center Microsurgery Lab and Replantation Service unit began in 1970. We performed the first human toe-to-hand transplant, scalp replant, serratus-combined-latissimus microvascular transplant, four-digit replant, tongue replant and multiple microvascular simultaneous transplant in the United States. Over 250 clinical research fellows and 100 residents have trained here. Twenty-seven have subsequently become department chairs or co-chairs. Over 400 articles, books, chapters have been published from our service.

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